Hello, World, it’s me, Antoinette…

Hello, World, it’s me, Antoinette…

Hi Everyone,

Thank you for joining me.

Here’s what you can expect to find and learn if you follow my blog…

Life is full of adventure, even on the dullest days I can manage to whip up something delicious, take an awesome cherry blossom photo, or get lost in planning my next big travel adventure.

I fear nothing (except rodents, but come on, who doesn’t?) and am willing to try anything once at least once.  I always take the road less traveled and seek out people who do the same.  My to do list includes touching ground on seven continents (five down, 2 to go), all 50 US states (I only have five to go!), taking the perfect photo, experiencing local traditions, learning local cuisines, and tasting everything along the way.

I am expecting this blog to grow and evolve with me, but I am writing down what I hope it to be, because if it is written down, then that has to stand for something, right?

So come along as I share some awesome recipes, professional cooking tips, cookbook reviews, and off the beaten path travel and dining gems, with a healthy dose of my own snarky wit…you won’t be disappointed!

Adventure awaits!

Antoinette Noonan

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